[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Ken Leebow Pornography By Ken Leebow There has been a tremendous amount of "noise" made about pornography on the Internet. If you have never been on the Internet this sounds like it would be a major problem. Those of us that spend a fair amount of time on the Internet know that this is a ridiculous issue. Yes, there are nude pictures and other types of material on the Internet. However, if you "channel surf" (to use a TV cliché) you will never come upon anything on the Internet that is pornographic, in nature. To find pornography you would have to spend a lot of time searching for it and of course have a desire to view it. That brings me to the point of this article. You see, I'm much more concerned about the pornography in traditional media than I am on this new medium. As an example, my wife and I sat down, with our 10 year old daughter, last Sunday at 8:00pm, to watch a sit-com. To my amazement the entire show was dedicated to sexual intercourse and lesbianism. I can assure you that this is not what I choose for my children to watch. The sad thing is that this is what is on almost every channel. I have no way of controlling this. And I have no desire for a "V" chip. I can assure you that television is a lot worse than the Internet. The reason for the scare tactics about the Internet is simple. You see, the Internet is democracy at its greatest. It is true freedom. Freedom of expression, thought, choice and imagination. It is a grassroots movement that has a tremendous amount of momentum. The people that are on it enjoy the freedom that is implicit with the medium. Unlike most other areas of our life no one is controlling it! The government, education, TV, magazines, newspapers, advertising and other traditional media tend to control everything, whether we like it or not. To many institutions and people it is a very scary proposition that no one is controlling free thought. Simply, the Internet contains magnificent information of all kinds. Every area of life is represented on the Internet. I read a Yiddish Proverb the other day that makes sense to me in regard to our lives in general and the Internet specifically. "If each one sweeps in front of their own door; the whole neighborhood will be clean." For those of you that have never navigated the Internet and found its true richness please "surf" the net before you get on some government control bandwagon. The Internet like life will be as clean or as dirty as you choose to make it. Here's wishing you a clean neighborhood. See more of our opinions at http://home.navisoft.com/vip/humble.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]